About the Foundation

Founded in 1999 by Alan C. Fox and Daveen Fox, the Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation was named for Alan’s mother, an artist and educator. The foundation began making grants for education in 2003, and over two decades has become known for its commitment to youth leadership and efficiently using its modest grants to make unexpected impact.


The Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation maximizes the potential of children and youth in our communities through incubating innovative, smart, and scalable solutions in youth development. We have an affinity for smaller organizations based in Los Angeles County, who would most benefit from general operating support to meet their needs.


All children should enjoy strong, safe and effective environments that encourage their talent, creativity and excellence, irrespective of their families’ or communities’ socio-economic circumstances.


Our guiding principles and family culture are summarized by our values, practiced each day in our activities and community relationships. Though our work we encourage, support, and are committed to the development of learning skills, talent and creativity, healthy environments for children, humanity, and impact and effectiveness.


  • Flexibility in Partnership

  • Effective and Unique Impact
  • Reducing Grantmaking Burdens

  • Youth Engagement & Leadership

National Center for Family Philanthropy

Board Members

Member Position
Alan C. Fox President
Daveen Fox Vice President
Carolyn Fox Board Member
Heather Fox Board Member
Lauren Hunsaker Board Member
Connie Lorick Board Member
Alexis Marion Secretary
Nancy Miller Board Member
Cathy Reynolds Treasurer
Stacie Soto Board Member


Connie Lorick
Connie LorickCoordinator
Connie began her work in philanthropy ten years ago as the Director of Philanthropy for the Fox Family. She lives in Texas and is very involved in the community having served as Board President of Theatre Arlington, a leader and adult trainer for the local Girl Scout Council, and a member of Women Inspiring Philanthropy. She is currently a member of the Arlington Cultural Tourism Council, and The Junior League of Arlington. Connie has a Bachelor of Science in Management from Pepperdine University and a MBA from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Alexis Marion
Alexis MarionProgram Officer
Alexis Marion serves as a Trustee and the Program Officer of the Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation, where she oversees grant administration and the youth philanthropy efforts of the Foundation. She brings her unique experiences as an emancipated foster youth, and nonprofit employee, to her passion for supporting young people in making a difference in their communities through philanthropy. Alexis received her M.A. in Nonprofit Management from Antioch University, LA, and is a 21/64 Certified Advisor. You can find her at any philanthropy conference (loudly) extolling the virtues of youth-led grantmaking and general operating support!