Grant Information

The Frieda C. Fox Family Fox Foundation operates closed grant cycles. Please read on for more information and to sign up to receive notification of grant opportunities.
The Junior Board of the Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation is proud to support nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County that “maximize the potential of youth”. Each year, the Junior Board chooses a grantmaking theme to guide the focus of its giving. Past themes have been:
- S.T.E.M. Through the Arts
- Life and Leadership Ready
- Mentoring: Support to Success
- Girls, Forward
Please review the Eligibility Guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions, and Recent Grant Awards for more information. For further questions, please email [email protected].
- Public charity status:
The organization must have a current and valid tax exempt ruling under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and must be a public charity classified pursuant to sections 509(a)(1) or (2) of the IRS Code. - Geographic limitations:
Agencies must be located within California and provide direct services to the children and youth of Santa Clara County and/or Los Angeles County. If the agency serves additional counties, any grant request should specify the number of children served in our geographic region, as well as express that number as a percentage of total children served. - Budgetary limitations of funding:
The foundation is relatively small, and seeks to partner with agencies that operate on an annual budget of less than $10 million, including all programs and projects. Limited exceptions may be made for larger organizations or public charter schools, where the specific project’s budget is relatively small, well-defined, relatively independent, and has its own donor support (as evidenced by restricted grants designated for support of the project).- The foundation will look to the budget for evidence of a diversified funding strategy, so please list in-kind support (non-cash, volunteer, goods or services) as income line-items.
- Grant requests must not exceed 20% of the organization’s total annual budget. (For example: a grassroots organization with a $150,000 annual operating budget may not request more than $30,000.)
We will not fund:
- Individuals
- Organizations with less than one full year of operational and financial history as a 501(c)(3) entity.
- Individual schools, school districts, or home & school clubs (due to the sheer number of public and private schools in these two counties, in contrast to the foundation’s relative size and resources). Non-profit organizations providing services in partnership with a school and/or school district may apply. Schools with their own 501c3 non-profit status, such as some public charter schools that otherwise meet eligibility requirements are eligible to apply, to support a specifically targeted in-school or after-school program.
- Any organization that unfairly discriminates against people because of their age, race, creed, gender, national origin, handicap, sexual orientation, or ethnicity in either policy or in practice. A copy of non-discrimination policy will be required.
- Religious institutions, except in very limited cases where all three of the following are evident: a) the activities are purely secular and one religious belief is not taught or espoused in the daily activities of the program; b) the primary benefit is for the larger community in response to a compelling local need, and c) there is demonstrated collaboration, encouragement and acceptance of the participation of others outside membership or religious adherents.
- Organizations whose financial statements are not prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by independent accountants; or do not comply with legal audit requirements.
- Construction, renovation, or other capital improvement projects except in limited and special circumstances.
- Support for past operating deficits or loans.
- Fundraising events, capital campaigns, or endowment campaigns.
- Travel, except as required to implement the program or project (i.e., travel required to attend staff training to implement a project expansion, or incidental travel for participants may be included in the project budget).
Frequently Asked Questions
When can we submit an application? What is the deadline?
We currently do not have an open grant process. If you feel your organization meets our criteria for consideration, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Are grant guidelines available?
Please see Eligibility Guidelines.
We have questions about the application/guidelines/process, what do we do?
After you have reviewed the Eligibility Guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions, please direct any questions to [email protected].
How long does it take to approve a grant?
The exact duration of the grant cycle will be included in the grant announcement. Generally, it takes 4-6 months.
What is the average grant award?
The grant amounts vary, but do not exceed $10,000.
Do you provide unrestricted funding?
Yes. The parameters will be outlined in the final grant agreement.
Do you give grants to individuals?
No, we do not give grants to individuals. Nonprofit organizations with only one staff member are still eligible to apply.
Do you fund new or small budget organizations?
Organizations must be in operation for at least one year with 501(c)(3) status. Grant awards should not exceed 20% of the organization’s total budget.
Do you give grants outside of Los Angeles County?
Priority is given to organizations located in Los Angeles County. If you have a question about your location, please email [email protected]
If my application was declined, can I reapply?
Yes, please apply to any grant cycle you feel is a good fit.
Can you help us write the application?
Due to limited staff resources, we cannot help you write the application. But, we are always happy to answer questions by email at [email protected].
We are a new organization and don’t have 501(c)(3) status. May we apply?
Please wait to apply until you have 501(c)(3) status or have a fiscal sponsor.
Are there areas in which you don’t make grants?
Please see Eligibility Guidelines.
Is a site-visit required?
Yes, a site visit is required for each application. Site visits include the Program Officer and at least one Junior Board member.
Do you fund scholarships?
We do not fund scholarships or fellowships for individuals. Nonprofit organizations that provide scholarships are eligible to apply.
How many grants are awarded per year?
The number of grant awards depends on the grant cycle.
Does the Foundation award multi-year funding?
If we are a returning grantee, do we have to go through the same application process?