Youth Philanthropy

The foundation has a longstanding commitment to providing opportunities for youth to make grants, learn about philanthropy and participate in the nonprofit sector. Their leadership and expertise are an invaluable ingredient in our philanthropy.

We engage the next generation of leaders in three ways.

  • The Junior Board of the foundation consists of family members and friends ages 8-18 who have the opportunity annually to make a $2000 grant; they do the research, site visit, board presentation, and ultimately share the grant news.
  • The Next Gen Board Member Seats are available to former Junior Board Members who would like to officially participate as full board members of the foundation for a 2-year term.
  • The Community Grantmaking initiative partners the foundation with a past grantee partner whose youth are able to conduct a whole grant process and choose grantees on behalf of the foundation.

Please access the following resources to learn more about youth philanthropy and how you can incorporate it into your own giving.


The Foundation’s general grantmaking guidelines are as follows:

  • 501(c)3 designation in good standing.
  • Must fit our mission to maximize the potential of youth in our communities.
  • Budget of $5 Million or less.
  • Los Angeles County

Due to our small team, the foundation does not have an open grant process, nor does it accept unsolicited applications. If a grant becomes available, it will be posted here. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us by email at [email protected] for any questions you may have. We are always happy to learn about organizations that are new to us in the community and look forward to getting to know you!

The following is a list of amazing community organizations we have partnered with and continue to uplift their work. We hope you’ll check them out!

Community Organizations:

24th St. Theater Company Central City Neighborhood Partners Foster Nation
Saving Innocence Brown Bag Lady
Readers Network
Algalita Marine Research STEAM Coders
Uncommon Good Los Angeles Metro Debate Camp MariaStella
Social Justice Learning
Bridging the Gap
A Place Called Home
John Burton Advocates for
Shield for
Access Books
Equity Through
Business of
Student Success
Asian Youth Center
Safe Place
for Youth
Get Lit – Words Ignite FEAST
EmpowHer Institute The Engineer
Community Coalition
A Place Called Home My Friend’s
Tia Chucha’s Centro
Cube LA
CASA Youth Shelter Reading to Kids
The Bridge
Builders Foundation
DIY Girls
News Literacy Project Los Angeles Room & Board Food, What?!
School on Wheels Sky’s the
Limit Fund
Heart of Los Angeles
The Village Family
Khmer Girls in Action RM Pyles Boys Camp
LA LGBT Center No
Limits for Deaf Children
Taking the Reins
WriteGirl Las Fotos
Youth Mentoring Action